Hempire Direct Making a Grand Entry into CBD Hemp Industry

Hempire Direct has recognized the need to make CBD Hemp Products that work available to people who urgently need them. Despite the legalization of cannabidiol (CBD) and numerous hemp based derivatives in many states, it remains a heavily controlled and regulated substance nationwide. However, the Harvard Medical School has acknowledged its effectiveness and likelihood to help with various ailments like pain and inflammation. To that effect, Benjamin Boyce implemented his idea: Hempire Direct, the first mobile application dedicated to selling hemp-derived THC products to different parts of the United States. 

Hempire Direct is a revolutionary company, and the founder’s primary goal is to make these unique medications available to everyone. The great thing about using Hempire Direct app to buy these CBD Hemp products is that users do not require a medical card to place their orders. Hempire Direct ships legal hemp-derived THC products to 42 states in the United States above legal age.

The company prides itself on the high-quality hemp-derived products that it offers, which include Delta 8 Vape Cartridges, Gummies, Tinctures, and Indoor Hemp Flower. Hempire Direct is available on the Apple Store for iOS and Google Play Store. Every product listed on Hempire Direct is derived from hemp and fully compliant with the 2018 Federal Farm Bill.

Hempire Direct aims to solve the problem of accessibility for many CBD and THC enthusiasts. Products derived from hemp have been heavily touted for their effectiveness in reducing pain, depression, and anxiety. Hempire Direct makes it easier for anyone experiencing any of these health issues to buy the products and have them delivered safely to them at home.

Hempire Direct’s entrance into the CBD/THC market is revolutionizing the pricing structure that many companies operate upon. Benjamin Boyce is passionate about what makes consumers more comfortable and at ease. He thinks it makes no sense for any company to have a 5,000 percent markup on their products despite knowing that many people cannot afford such prices. Therefore, instead, he has set prices on Hempire Direct at a fraction of what many companies offer, alongside the option to deliver to consumers’ doorsteps. This is quite a win for the direct consumer as they can now get products that work for them more easily. “We want to make hemp-derived products available directly to the consumer at reasonable prices across the United States. We want them to download our app and try our award-winning products—Delta 8 Tinctures, Delta 8 Softgels, Delta 8 Vape Cartridges, Delta 8 Gummies, CBD Flower,” Ben says.

As Hempire Direct is making its grand entry into this market, Benjamin Boyce already has a clear picture of his future projections for the company. Delivering hemp-derived products without any physical interaction with the consumer is a truly revolutionary move. And in the next five years, Ben plans to implement 1-hour Tesla delivery of products in every major city in the United States. His ultimate goal is to offer consumers multiple guarantees on every level and ultimately help them live better.

Learn more about Hempire Direct on its official website.

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