Kids in sports: how you can protect them and still let them have fun

Kids: Participating in sports can be an excellent way for kids under 13 to stay physically active, develop new skills, and make friends.

It can also help them build confidence and self-esteem and teach them valuable lessons about teamwork and sportsmanship.

However, parents and caregivers need to ensure that young children are appropriately supervised and participating in age-appropriate and safe activities.

Importance of sports for kids

There are many benefits for kids to participate in sports.

Some of the physical benefits include improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength and flexibility, and better coordination and balance.

Participating in sports can also help young children maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of obesity.

In addition to the physical benefits, sports have numerous mental and emotional benefits.

It can also teach them essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and goal-setting.

Participating in sports can also be an excellent way for young children to make new friends and socialize with their peers.

Participating in sports can be a valuable and rewarding experience for kids under 13, both in terms of their physical and mental health.

Parents and caregivers must encourage and support young children in their sports activities while ensuring they participate in safe and appropriate activities for their age.

Kids getting injured playing sports

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission released recent data showing that overall injuries from youth participation in football have declined since 2013.

Although it plateaued in 2020, injuries spiked back up in 2021.

The commission reports that more than a million kids were injured in sports bad enough to require a trip to the ER.

The data covers sports and other significant injuries from playground equipment and skateboards.

In 2021, children aged 5 to 14 were likely to get football injuries; there were 110,171 reported injuries in 2021 compared to 92,802 in young adults aged 15 to 24.

Meanwhile, soccer had 59,000 injured kids, while basketball had 79,207 injuries.

Concussion rates

Boys’ football has the highest concussion rates, with 10.4 concussions per 10,000 athlete exposures.

Girls’ soccer follows with 8.19 per 10,000 athlete exposures, while boys’ ice hockey had 7.69.

Although high-contact sports have a higher risk of severe injuries, even safe sports like swimming and track have a risk for overuse injuries.

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Dr. Stuart Berger, the division head of cardiology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, warned that cardiac events could occur whether people play sports.

According to Berger, it’s crucial to screen cardiac events.

While kids are safe to play sports and exercise without worrying about cardiac events, it’s still important to do a physical, especially with family history, to find out who could be at risk.

“The concerns are that maybe there is somebody with an underlying abnormality,” explained Berger.

“The screening is designed to bring that out, and that we can identify, if possible, who those kids are.”

Families often cite head injuries as their major concern when their children enter sports.

Dr. Andrew Peterson, the clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Iowa, revealed that the bulk of kids’ concussions is sports-related.

However, he said there is no substantial evidence that a few concussions in childhood have any long-term impact on adulthood.

Peterson stressed that it is important to avoid reinjuring the head before the concussion fully heals.

“The thing we worry about most are these second impact events where people have a concussion on top of a concussion,” he explained.


Dr. Erin Grieb, the pediatric primary care sports medicine physician at Stanford Children’s Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Center, agreed with Peterson’s sentiments.

She said that coaches, referees, and families should learn to identify concussions to ensure the kids are cared for.

Grieb said the signs and symptoms could include:

  • Headaches
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Mental problems like confusion or difficulty paying attention
  • Sadness
  • Anxiety

Concussions can be present in many ways, and some symptoms may manifest in one trauma but others in a different concussion.


Injuries are inevitable in sports, but there are ways to minimize the damage.

  • Ensure they wear appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, pads, and mouthguards, as needed for the specific sport.
  • Ensure they are properly conditioned and trained for the sport and do not overexert themselves.
  • Please make sure they are playing on properly maintained equipment and playing surfaces.
  • Follow the rules and guidelines for the specific sport to help reduce the risk of injury.
  • Encourage kids to speak up if they feel sick, tired, or in pain and seek medical attention.
  • Have an emergency action plan in place in case of injury.
  • Encourage kids to respect their opponents and follow good sportsmanship.
  • Consider the level of competition and the child’s age and skill level when choosing a sport or league.
  • Make sure the child is supervised by a responsible adult who is trained in first aid and CPR.

In almost every sport available, kids should be given time to rest to avoid injuries from overuse.

According to Grieb, athletes with head injuries need to take considerable time off to recover.

“You break a bone, I can put you in a cast and not let you use that arm. When you have a head injury, I can’t put your head in a cast,” said Grieb.

“You get one brain, so it’s really important that we let your brain heal.”

Continuing play

Despite the risks that sports pose for kids, it’s still an essential physical activity and habit.

Peterson says that regular movement is part of growing up.

Grieb added that it gives children leadership skills, life lessons, and, most importantly, fun, saying:

“If you’re focused on using proper techniques, you’re focused on following the rules of the game, and you have coaches and referees who are also engaged in that, then I think particularly risky sports can be safer than they have in the past.”


How to protect your kids when they play sports, according to doctors

Social Media Asset Marketplaces are Now Getting Smarter with AI

Byline: Tom White

In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of social media, the marketplace for buying and selling accounts has witnessed a revolutionary change with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Standing at the forefront of this technological integration is SWAPD, a platform that has redefined the experience of trading social media accounts by introducing a custom-tailored AI system. This innovative approach sets SWAPD apart, not just as a marketplace but as a pioneer in blending AI with the intricacies of social media account transactions.

SWAPD’s AI system is designed specifically for social media marketplaces, making it a unique offering in this sector. Unlike traditional methods of buying and selling social media accounts, which largely depend on human expertise and experience, SWAPD’s AI brings a level of sophistication and efficiency previously unseen. This technology serves as a virtual mentor for newcomers, guiding them through the often complex and daunting process of selling their social media accounts. From creating captivating listings to negotiating prices, the AI system empowers users with insights and advice, ensuring they make informed decisions.

The integration of AI into SWAPD’s platform addresses a critical need in the social media account trading industry: education and guidance for newcomers. Selling a social media account involves several considerations, including understanding the value of the account, creating an attractive and honest listing, and effectively negotiating with potential buyers. SWAPD’s AI system simplifies these processes. By analyzing vast amounts of data from previous successful transactions, the AI can provide tailored advice on pricing social assets, crafting descriptions that highlight an account’s unique value, and even suggesting negotiation strategies based on buyer behavior and market trends.

Moreover, the AI’s role in educating users on pricing their social assets is particularly noteworthy. Pricing is a crucial aspect of selling social media accounts, and it often determines the success of a transaction. New sellers may struggle with setting the right price — too high and they risk deterring buyers, too low and they may not realize the full potential of their asset. SWAPD’s AI navigates this complexity by analyzing market data, account metrics like follower count and engagement rates, and comparable sales. This data-driven approach enables sellers to set competitive yet realistic prices for their accounts.

Another groundbreaking feature of SWAPD’s AI is its ability to guide users in creating captivating listings. The AI analyzes elements of successful past listings, including language, structure, and key selling points, and uses this information to advise sellers on how to present their accounts attractively. This not only enhances the chances of a sale but also elevates the overall quality of listings on the platform, benefiting both sellers and buyers.

In the realm of negotiations, SWAPD’s AI system plays a vital role in equipping sellers with effective negotiation tactics. Negotiation in the context of social media account sales can be intricate, often requiring a balance between assertiveness and flexibility. The AI assists by providing insights into buyer behavior, typical negotiation patterns, and effective strategies based on historical data and market analysis. This guidance is invaluable, especially for those new to the marketplace, ensuring they can negotiate confidently and effectively.

The implementation of AI in SWAPD underscores a larger trend in the digital economy — the growing significance of AI in enhancing user experiences and operational efficiencies. In the context of SWAPD, this technology not only streamlines the process of buying and selling social media accounts but also democratizes access to expert knowledge and insights. This is particularly beneficial in a marketplace that is as dynamic and rapidly evolving as that of social media accounts.

SWAPD’s integration of AI into its marketplace represents a significant leap forward in the world of social media account trading. This custom-tailored technology serves as a comprehensive guide for newcomers, offering them invaluable insights into selling their social media accounts, creating effective listings, negotiating, and pricing their digital assets. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of AI in enhancing and simplifying complex processes becomes increasingly paramount, and SWAPD’s initiative in this regard sets a benchmark for others in the industry.

How Sales Strategies Differ: Restaurants vs. Other Businesses

Image commercially licensed from Unsplash

In the world of business, sales strategies play a crucial role in driving revenue and growth. However, when it comes to sales strategies, one size does not fit all. Different industries have unique characteristics and challenges that require tailored approaches. In this blog post, we will explore how sales strategies differ between restaurants and other businesses, highlighting the key factors that set them apart.

Understanding the Restaurant Industry

The restaurant industry is a highly competitive and fast-paced environment. With numerous establishments vying for customers’ attention, it’s essential for restaurants to differentiate themselves and provide exceptional experiences. Unlike other businesses, restaurants heavily rely on word-of-mouth marketing and customer referrals. A positive dining experience can lead to rave reviews and a loyal customer base.

Customer experience is paramount in the restaurant industry. The basics of how to build a sales strategy in the restaurant industry or any business industry must include this, along with several key factors. From the moment guests step through the door, customers expect personalized service, attention to detail, and a memorable dining experience. Restaurants and other businesses in the hospitality industry involve providing services to clients, so their sales strategies must revolve around building relationships with customers. This involves attentive and friendly staff, personalized recommendations, and going above and beyond to exceed expectations.

Moreover, menu design and pricing strategies play a significant role in restaurant sales strategies. Restaurants carefully craft their menus to entice customers and maximize profitability. They strategically position high-margin items, use enticing language to describe dishes, and implement pricing tactics such as bundling or tiered pricing. Upselling techniques, such as suggesting appetizers or desserts, are also commonly used to increase the average check size.

In today’s digital age, online presence and social media marketing are vital for restaurants. Online reviews and ratings heavily influence customers’ decisions, and a strong social media presence can attract new patrons. Sales strategies in restaurants often involve engaging with customers on social media platforms, running targeted advertising campaigns, and leveraging user-generated content to create buzz.

Sales Strategies in Other Businesses

In contrast to the restaurant industry, other businesses employ different sales strategies that align with their unique offerings and target markets. Non-restaurant businesses typically focus on market research and identifying specific customer segments. Understanding customers’ needs, pain points, and preferences is crucial in developing effective sales strategies.

Sales funnels, lead generation, and conversion strategies are commonly used in other businesses. The goal is to guide potential customers through each stage of the buying process, from awareness to consideration and, ultimately, conversion. Businesses employ various tactics such as email marketing, content marketing, and targeted advertising to nurture leads and drive sales.

Unlike restaurants, which heavily rely on ambiance and customer experience, other businesses often emphasize the features and benefits of their products or services. Sales strategies revolve around highlighting unique selling points, demonstrating value, and addressing customer pain points. This typically involves product demonstrations, personalized presentations, and tailored sales pitches.

Key Differences in Sales Strategies

The key differences in sales strategies between restaurants and other businesses boil down to branding, ambiance, product/service features, and location.

Restaurants heavily rely on branding and ambiance to create a unique identity and attract customers. From the interior design to the music playing in the background, every element contributes to the overall dining experience. Other businesses, on the other hand, focus more on communicating the features and benefits of their products or services, often leveraging data-driven marketing strategies.

Location plays a crucial role in restaurant sales strategies. Restaurants strategically select their locations to capitalize on foot traffic and attract customers. The visibility and accessibility of a restaurant can significantly impact its sales performance. In contrast, other businesses may not rely as heavily on physical location, especially with the rise of e-commerce and remote work. They focus more on targeted marketing and reaching customers through various channels.

Sales strategies in restaurants differ significantly from those in other businesses. Restaurants prioritize customer experience, personalized service, and word-of-mouth marketing. Menu design, pricing strategies, and online presence play a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. On the other hand, non-restaurant businesses focus on market research, lead generation, and highlighting product/service features. They employ sales funnels, personalized presentations, and targeted marketing to drive conversions. Understanding these key differences and tailoring sales strategies accordingly can help businesses achieve success in their respective industries.

Magnesium works to help the body metabolize protein, carbohydrates, and fat, and is, therefore, a helpful supplement when it comes to improving digestive health.

According to Juli Mazi, taking a magnesium supplement can help with digestive conditions such as heartburn, constipation, and indigestion. Magnesium is a very common deficiency, especially in people prone to anxiety.

Since anxiety is often linked to digestive upset, Magnesium can often help both. The best magnesium glycinate helps to achieve the supplement in your everyday diet. Ideal supplementation is 200 mg in the evening because magnesium has a calming effect, so it can also help promote sound sleep.

Ardass Inc: Crafting Business Strategies for Sustainable Growth

In a highly competitive and fast-paced business environment, success involves more than just a good idea – it requires thoughtful planning, foresight, accurate budgeting, and strategic insight. Ardass Inc., a name synonymous with superior business strategy guidance, is empowering businesses to achieve sustainable growth through its comprehensive consulting services.

Under the adroit leadership of CEO Satpreet Singh and General Manager Rupinder Kaur, Ardass Inc. has skillfully guided numerous enterprises, crafting visionary business strategies, meticulous business plans, and realistic budgets that lay the foundation for long-term success.

Business Strategy: The Backbone of Success

The anatomy of a successful business begins with a robust business strategy, serving as the backbone, ingrained in every decision, every move, and every objective. Satpreet Singh, CEO of Ardass, believes in integrating pragmatic approaches with innovative solutions. His unique strategic framing helps businesses scrutinize their current status, identify their ultimate goals, and delineate a realistic path to reach them.

A sound business strategy also involves considering the external environment – understanding the industry trends, market dynamics, and competitive landscape. Ardass Inc. brings to the table its vast expertise and deep understanding of global markets, providing businesses with a much-needed competitive edge.

Business Planning: Roadmap to Achieving Goals

If a business strategy sets the destination, a business plan acts as the roadmap leading to it. In Ardass Inc.’s dictionary, a business plan is a strategic tool encompassing every aspect of the business – operations, marketing, human resources, and finance.

Rupinder Kaur, the General Manager of Ardass, emphasizes the pivotal role of business planning in mitigating risks and navigating complexities. With an eye for detail, she guides businesses to develop comprehensive plans, outlining their mission, vision, organizational structure, promotion strategies, and financial forecasts, ensuring businesses are prepared to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

Business Budgeting: Steering the Financial Ship

Business budgeting, often viewed as an arduous task, is, in fact, the catalyst that propels a business from survival to success. It is the financial compass that steers businesses in uncertain economic waters.

Ardass Inc. has championed the art of budgeting, assisting businesses in devising budgets that optimize resources, control expenditures, and predict income. A budget acts as a financial mirror that reflects the feasibility of business plans, providing a reality check and encouraging operational efficiency.

The discipline of budgeting creates transparency, promoting informed decision-making throughout the organization. Ardass Inc.’s expertise in budgeting is not restricted to its creation alone. The team also aids businesses in analyzing and adjusting budgets based on performance, ensuring financial agility and resilience.

Encapsulating Ardass Inc’s Expertise

With Satpreet Singh at the helm and Rupinder Kaur managing operations, Ardass Inc. has rightly earned its stellar reputation in business consulting. Their dedication to aiding other businesses to thrive is evident in their pragmatic and holistic approach to strategy development, business planning, and budgeting.

Ardass Inc.’s commitment goes beyond delivering expert advice. Their continued success is built on fostering strong relationships with their clients, underpinned by transparency, trust, and a shared vision for growth. This is evidenced by the company’s vast and varied portfolio of satisfied clients, whose triumphs are a testament to Ardass Inc’s quality of service.

As the growth trajectory of any business hinges on the trifecta of business strategy, business planning, and budgeting, the role of an expert consulting firm like Ardass Inc. becomes invaluable. Providing businesses with the necessary tools and insights to navigate the path to success, Ardass Inc. is capturing the essence of business sustainability. Their approach aligns with the modern reality that change is the only constant in business.

For more insights into Ardass Inc.’s services, philosophy, and clientele achievements, visit their website at As business pioneers satiate their entrepreneurial spirits, they can rest assured that with Ardass Inc., they are partnered with the best. Their journey from formation to flourishing is but a strategic plan away.

Brandon Manitoba Hits Jackpot With Cormier Media

Cormier Media Provides Customized Marketing & Sales Strategies To All Types Of Businesses


Digital Marketing can be seen as a new philosophy and business practice emerging with improvements in technology. Goods, services, and even ideas and information can be marketed using social media platforms today. Traditional marketing still exists, but it may slowly begin to dissolve for a majority of the market in the coming decades. Digital marketing makes shopping easier, and so if a seller knows what his target audience wants, it makes marketing so much more easier. Cormier Media takes up the digital marketing arena of your business, and helps you as a brand/business understand what works for your business, who are your clients, and how huge is your target base.


Cormier Media Scales Up Businesses

Cormier Media, founded by Nicholas Cormier, is a full-service digital marketing agency of digital marketing specialists who can help brands & businesses worldwide boost their online reputation, brand awareness and scale their business. They help businesses generate new customers and deliver predictable and scalable growth with a measurable ROI.

They offer over 135 different customized services to provide every solution for businesses’ needs when it comes to saving time, money and generating more revenue and brand recognition. Their sales and marketing strategies are made in full accordance with the businesses’ budgets, requirements, goals, and needs. Cormier Media has been in the works for 1.5 years and has become a thriving business in the last two months.


Future Goals With Cormier Media

The venture hopes to help as many businesses as possible. Their goal is to help small businesses to large corporations with streamlining their workflows for marketing purposes, automating marketing activities, and increasing revenue for the businesses they work with. Cormier Media is actively taking part in helping the local economy and is making a difference in the community and worldwide, leaving no stone unturned. Cormier Media aspires to help 1000 businesses globally within 2 years of operation. They have already reached a mark of helping 60 businesses in the first 2 months of their operation. This is just one business within many in the works, all about growth as an individual as well as a business. Cormier Media is a brand about the growth of others’ businesses. As a business ‘Cormier Media’ only works with businesses that want to grow.


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